Fri, 26 Apr 2024 10:04:20 UTC | login

Information for build idm-client-8000020190628154633.27f2b478

Package Nameidm
Built bycentos
State complete
StartedFri, 28 Jun 2019 16:18:45 UTC
CompletedFri, 28 Jun 2019 16:29:02 UTC
Extra{'typeinfo': {'module': {'content_koji_tag': 'module-idm-client-8000020190628154633-27f2b478', 'context': '27f2b478', 'module_build_service_id': 150, 'modulemd_str': '---\n' 'document: modulemd\n' 'version: 2\n' 'data:\n' ' name: idm\n' ' stream: client\n' ' version: 8000020190628154633\n' ' context: 27f2b478\n' ' summary: RHEL IdM long term ' 'support client module\n' ' description: >-\n' ' RHEL IdM is an integrated ' 'solution to provide centrally ' 'managed Identity (users,\n' ' hosts, services), Authentication ' '(SSO, 2FA), and Authorization (host ' 'access control,\n' ' SELinux user roles, services). ' 'The solution provides features for ' 'further integration\n' ' with Linux based clients (SUDO, ' 'automount) and integration with ' 'Active Directory\n' ' based infrastructures (Trusts).\n' '\n' ' This module stream supports only ' 'client side of RHEL IdM solution\n' ' license:\n' ' module:\n' ' - MIT\n' ' xmd:\n' ' mbs:\n' ' mse: TRUE\n' ' buildrequires:\n' ' pki-deps:\n' ' ref: ' '752b8f84b217c891fd72f7e81b2fe0e0779faf1a\n' ' stream: 10.6\n' ' context: 55190bc5\n' ' version: ' '8000020190628020724\n' ' koji_tag: ' 'module-pki-deps-10.6-8000020190628020724-55190bc5\n' ' filtered_rpms:\n' ' - ' 'log4j-over-slf4j-0:1.7.25-4.module_el8.0.0+42+51564204\n' ' - ' 'fasterxml-oss-parent-0:26-6.module_el8.0.0+42+51564204\n' ' - ' 'jcl-over-slf4j-0:1.7.25-4.module_el8.0.0+42+51564204\n' ' - ' 'xalan-j2-xsltc-0:2.7.1-38.module_el8.0.0+42+51564204\n' ' - ' 'xalan-j2-manual-0:2.7.1-38.module_el8.0.0+42+51564204\n' ' - ' 'slf4j-sources-0:1.7.25-4.module_el8.0.0+42+51564204\n' ' - ' 'slf4j-log4j12-0:1.7.25-4.module_el8.0.0+42+51564204\n' ' - ' 'slf4j-javadoc-0:1.7.25-4.module_el8.0.0+42+51564204\n' ' - ' 'xalan-j2-javadoc-0:2.7.1-38.module_el8.0.0+42+51564204\n' ' - ' 'slf4j-ext-0:1.7.25-4.module_el8.0.0+42+51564204\n' ' - ' 'jul-to-slf4j-0:1.7.25-4.module_el8.0.0+42+51564204\n' ' - ' 'xalan-j2-demo-0:2.7.1-38.module_el8.0.0+42+51564204\n' ' - ' 'slf4j-jcl-0:1.7.25-4.module_el8.0.0+42+51564204\n' ' - ' 'slf4j-manual-0:1.7.25-4.module_el8.0.0+42+51564204\n' ' pki-core:\n' ' ref: ' 'b229ebae5f807d6085392a88ededdc022034195e\n' ' stream: 10.6\n' ' context: ffc9da9f\n' ' version: ' '8000020190628020724\n' ' koji_tag: ' 'module-pki-core-10.6-8000020190628020724-ffc9da9f\n' ' filtered_rpms: []\n' ' platform:\n' ' ref: virtual\n' ' stream: el8.0.0\n' ' context: 00000000\n' ' version: 3\n' ' koji_tag: ' 'module-centos-8.0.0-build\n' ' ' 'stream_collision_modules: \n' ' ursine_rpms: \n' ' filtered_rpms: []\n' ' 389-ds:\n' ' ref: ' '5959ddf86fbab4fbd6a6410addb038449aa40d34\n' ' stream: 1.4\n' ' context: ab753183\n' ' version: ' '8000020190628020723\n' ' koji_tag: ' 'module-389-ds-1.4-8000020190628020723-ab753183\n' ' filtered_rpms:\n' ' - ' 'cockpit-389-ds-0:\n' ' httpd:\n' ' ref: ' '7c8caf5433fce9f385b110fc807f6e01355ba650\n' ' stream: 2.4\n' ' context: 55190bc5\n' ' version: ' '8000020190628154608\n' ' koji_tag: ' 'module-httpd-2.4-8000020190628154608-55190bc5\n' ' filtered_rpms: []\n' ' scmurl: ' 'git+\n' ' commit: ' '09c3c0d6364267ebf9361f85467d71b98a889f70\n' ' rpms:\n' ' python-jwcrypto:\n' ' ref: ' '9d27e51a5724e549f2d33602bb75539e70b05b95\n' ' softhsm:\n' ' ref: ' '7a7b1ec20a73f141dc2cde28112a90d0e09d6a39\n' ' custodia:\n' ' ref: ' 'ee26c3641903912f9b648036e965a7247ff9c2a8\n' ' bind-dyndb-ldap:\n' ' ref: ' 'f1d4dec33ab2571cc7d46a65d4073f263cddef45\n' ' python-yubico:\n' ' ref: ' 'ceb8768db937e08794817ad905ea748ff8ca0e48\n' ' slapi-nis:\n' ' ref: ' '4ad32457ff1ff6962a75474c9314df40f778ffb5\n' ' python-qrcode:\n' ' ref: ' 'f3346fc24fd7893c8a715796071ef9d4bbce0579\n' ' ipa:\n' ' ref: ' '141ed1c4409c4f2593e99a66027472f91071f2f8\n' ' opendnssec:\n' ' ref: ' 'afd8c8d89e1e2d8b335e5a15282aa1ca11ad2201\n' ' pyusb:\n' ' ref: ' 'ad586f2d793e73d20bed53df94ec24ccef550adb\n' ' dependencies:\n' ' - buildrequires:\n' ' 389-ds: [1.4]\n' ' httpd: [2.4]\n' ' pki-core: [10.6]\n' ' platform: [el8.0.0]\n' ' requires:\n' ' platform: [el8]\n' ' references:\n' ' community: ' '\n' ' documentation: ' '\n' ' tracker: ' '\n' ' profiles:\n' ' common:\n' ' description: A default profile ' 'for RHEL IdM client\n' ' rpms:\n' ' - ipa-client\n' ' api:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' - ipa-client\n' ' - ipa-client-common\n' ' - ipa-client-debuginfo\n' ' - ipa-common\n' ' - ipa-debuginfo\n' ' - ipa-debugsource\n' ' - ipa-python-compat\n' ' - python3-ipaclient\n' ' - python3-ipalib\n' ' - python3-jwcrypto\n' ' - python3-pyusb\n' ' - python3-qrcode\n' ' - python3-qrcode-core\n' ' - python3-yubico\n' ' filter:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' - bind-dyndb-ldap\n' ' - bind-dyndb-ldap-debuginfo\n' ' - bind-dyndb-ldap-debugsource\n' ' - custodia\n' ' - ipa-server\n' ' - ipa-server-common\n' ' - ipa-server-debuginfo\n' ' - ipa-server-dns\n' ' - ipa-server-trust-ad\n' ' - ipa-server-trust-ad-debuginfo\n' ' - opendnssec\n' ' - opendnssec-debuginfo\n' ' - opendnssec-debugsource\n' ' - python3-custodia\n' ' - python3-ipaserver\n' ' - slapi-nis\n' ' - slapi-nis-debuginfo\n' ' - slapi-nis-debugsource\n' ' - softhsm\n' ' - softhsm-debuginfo\n' ' - softhsm-debugsource\n' ' - softhsm-devel\n' ' components:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' bind-dyndb-ldap:\n' ' rationale: Driver for BIND ' 'to store DNS information in LDAP\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' 'f1d4dec33ab2571cc7d46a65d4073f263cddef45\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' custodia:\n' ' rationale: Remote access to ' 'secrets and credentials in IdM ' 'topology\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' 'ee26c3641903912f9b648036e965a7247ff9c2a8\n' ' buildorder: 2\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' ipa:\n' ' rationale: Module API\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '141ed1c4409c4f2593e99a66027472f91071f2f8\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' opendnssec:\n' ' rationale: An implementation ' 'of DNSSEC support for IdM integrated ' 'DNS server\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' 'afd8c8d89e1e2d8b335e5a15282aa1ca11ad2201\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' python-jwcrypto:\n' ' rationale: JSON Web ' 'Cryptographic Tokens used by ' 'Custodia\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '9d27e51a5724e549f2d33602bb75539e70b05b95\n' ' buildorder: 1\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' python-qrcode:\n' ' rationale: QR code generator ' 'for IdM two-factor authentication\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' 'f3346fc24fd7893c8a715796071ef9d4bbce0579\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' python-yubico:\n' ' rationale: Support for ' 'Yubikey-based tokens for IdM ' 'two-factor authentication\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' 'ceb8768db937e08794817ad905ea748ff8ca0e48\n' ' buildorder: 2\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' pyusb:\n' ' rationale: Python USB ' 'support to access USB tokens for IdM ' 'two-factor authentication\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' 'ad586f2d793e73d20bed53df94ec24ccef550adb\n' ' buildorder: 1\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' slapi-nis:\n' ' rationale: Compatibility ' 'plugin to serve legacy clients\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '4ad32457ff1ff6962a75474c9314df40f778ffb5\n' ' arches: [aarch64 x86_64 ' 's390x ppc64le]\n' ' softhsm:\n' ' rationale: Software version ' 'of a PKCS#11 Hardware Security ' 'Module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '7a7b1ec20a73f141dc2cde28112a90d0e09d6a39\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' '...\n', 'name': 'idm', 'stream': 'client', 'version': '8000020190628154633'}}}
Module Archives
modulemd.aarch64.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.i686.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.ppc64le.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.src.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.x86_64.txt (info) (download)