Tue, 23 Apr 2024 10:28:13 UTC | login

Information for build perl-libwww-perl-devel-6.34-8030020200716155257.5839bc99

Package Nameperl-libwww-perl-devel
Built bycentos
State complete
StartedThu, 16 Jul 2020 17:09:25 UTC
CompletedThu, 16 Jul 2020 19:06:11 UTC
Extra{'typeinfo': {'module': {'content_koji_tag': 'module-perl-libwww-perl-6.34-8030020200716155257-5839bc99', 'context': '5839bc99', 'module_build_service_id': 417, 'modulemd_str': '---\n' 'document: modulemd\n' 'version: 2\n' 'data:\n' ' name: perl-libwww-perl\n' ' stream: 6.34\n' ' version: 8030020200716155257\n' ' context: 5839bc99\n' ' summary: A Perl interface to the ' 'World-Wide Web\n' ' description: >\n' ' The libwww-perl collection is a ' 'set of Perl modules which provide a ' 'simple and\n' ' consistent application ' 'programming interface to the ' 'World-Wide Web. The main focus\n' ' of the library is to provide ' 'classes and functions that enable ' 'you to write WWW\n' ' clients. The library also ' 'contains modules that are of more ' 'general use and even\n' ' classes that help you implement ' 'simple HTTP servers. ' 'LWP::Protocol::https adds\n' ' a support for an HTTPS ' 'protocol.\n' ' license:\n' ' module:\n' ' - MIT\n' ' xmd:\n' ' mbs:\n' ' mse: TRUE\n' ' buildrequires:\n' ' perl:\n' ' ref: ' '8c8d967d4b9e7a3739297c10b32668afdffbb838\n' ' stream: 5.30\n' ' context: 568f3a16\n' ' version: ' '8030020200715145239\n' ' koji_tag: ' 'module-perl-5.30-8030020200715145239-568f3a16\n' ' filtered_rpms: []\n' ' perl-IO-Socket-SSL:\n' ' ref: ' '43887ab94db952f99be9db60aaf0d39b1bc28992\n' ' stream: 2.066\n' ' context: 2fbcbb20\n' ' version: ' '8030020200715230104\n' ' koji_tag: ' 'module-perl-IO-Socket-SSL-2.066-8030020200715230104-2fbcbb20\n' ' filtered_rpms:\n' ' - ' 'perl-Devel-StackTrace-1:2.03-3.module_el8.3.0+410+4cc2efa4\n' ' - ' 'perl-IO-Socket-INET6-0:2.72-12.module_el8.3.0+410+4cc2efa4\n' ' - ' 'perl-IPC-Run-0:0.99-2.module_el8.3.0+410+4cc2efa4\n' ' - ' 'perl-Test-NoWarnings-0:1.04-16.module_el8.3.0+410+4cc2efa4\n' ' - ' 'perl-IO-Tty-0:1.12-12.module_el8.3.0+410+4cc2efa4\n' ' - ' 'perl-Net-LibIDN-0:0.12-30.module_el8.3.0+410+4cc2efa4\n' ' - ' 'perl-Socket6-0:0.28-7.module_el8.3.0+410+4cc2efa4\n' ' - ' 'perl-Net-IDN-Encode-0:2.400-8.module_el8.3.0+410+4cc2efa4\n' ' platform:\n' ' ref: virtual\n' ' stream: el8.3.0\n' ' context: 00000000\n' ' version: 2\n' ' koji_tag: ' 'module-centos-8.3.0-build\n' ' ' 'stream_collision_modules: \n' ' ursine_rpms: \n' ' filtered_rpms: []\n' ' scmurl: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/modules/perl-libwww-perl.git?#769704e21556e6949a9c1bce8ef78cfb0c7e1d44\n' ' commit: ' '769704e21556e6949a9c1bce8ef78cfb0c7e1d44\n' ' rpms:\n' ' perl-Try-Tiny:\n' ' ref: ' '337d768ff2b8018fba0a272869565b1f1d3dfd61\n' ' perl-File-Listing:\n' ' ref: ' '3a5e488564063017ba14e9cb6dfe6400dfc044b6\n' ' perl-Data-Dump:\n' ' ref: ' 'bf0c7f8f51acb32fdc524b76c6078b508ad7bfd5\n' ' perl-Test-Pod:\n' ' ref: ' 'f90cd604ab18485a1e20ce3a0052435c1f10845c\n' ' perl-WWW-RobotRules:\n' ' ref: ' '493d595460e45dd6ccc30145db93790de1c09607\n' ' perl-Digest-HMAC:\n' ' ref: ' '6b32005eaefb64147630053997f972975361886b\n' ' perl-HTTP-Date:\n' ' ref: ' '5595663b854725a53e4374917bb2078074391552\n' ' perl-HTTP-Negotiate:\n' ' ref: ' '7ea05dd3b1d2db9aa72f1dd811ac1028c6ccc2a2\n' ' perl-HTTP-Cookies:\n' ' ref: ' '97ef576ec4a2a27265be429d248a573bfca43156\n' ' perl-Test-RequiresInternet:\n' ' ref: ' '90a82978358f494a079f413bc7b3a46827b653b5\n' ' perl-IO-HTML:\n' ' ref: ' 'dc6e6c5eb4259fc63ac9b61099016f9f9176ea70\n' ' perl-libwww-perl:\n' ' ref: ' 'cf93b41ee1e5aa583b67264a92fceecd3f255633\n' ' perl-LWP-Protocol-https:\n' ' ref: ' 'ebdd3e6b99c15806d8549892b5d122625b238b4e\n' ' perl-HTML-Parser:\n' ' ref: ' 'e3610b98a6b30b96019f53e1f4e6d8671acb48bd\n' ' perl-Net-HTTP:\n' ' ref: ' '97df1bed807b14ac4727fca1d2854a6eb25a64ec\n' ' perl-Mozilla-CA:\n' ' ref: ' '4f4d12cbd8b77e32745f7810844cfec76fe84e16\n' ' perl-TimeDate:\n' ' ref: ' 'e1a334942c04d081858749781b1cbccf82ff41c5\n' ' perl-Digest-SHA1:\n' ' ref: ' 'b68cd6d810e8a866576c7b0196bb885ec59b5a7a\n' ' perl-NTLM:\n' ' ref: ' '968d3fb6c5f834f3e597bb813d9f96fa04732481\n' ' perl-HTML-Tagset:\n' ' ref: ' '071a5b31ca388524b34853321a0a731e30f341b4\n' ' perl-HTTP-Message:\n' ' ref: ' 'b6597f6400861cf9440713b2d8bf3c3f2825fae6\n' ' perl-Test-Fatal:\n' ' ref: ' '65fe759bc84f6615e08ecb75ca2d8fb6ca4062f3\n' ' perl-Encode-Locale:\n' ' ref: ' 'c056c7407b77caa6d57babafc5c343389c11fa16\n' ' perl-LWP-MediaTypes:\n' ' ref: ' '54d031b1b5e5bc043eb1489d04203ba5e9269923\n' ' perl-HTTP-Daemon:\n' ' ref: ' '570096e5fc15e65be75bba7681557cdc44a7c076\n' ' dependencies:\n' ' - buildrequires:\n' ' perl: [5.30]\n' ' perl-IO-Socket-SSL: [2.066]\n' ' platform: [el8.3.0]\n' ' requires:\n' ' perl: [5.30]\n' ' perl-IO-Socket-SSL: [2.066]\n' ' platform: [el8]\n' ' references:\n' ' community: ' 'https://metacpan.org/release/libwww-perl\n' ' profiles:\n' ' common:\n' ' description: LWP with HTTPS ' 'support\n' ' rpms:\n' ' - perl-LWP-Protocol-https\n' ' - perl-libwww-perl\n' ' api:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' - perl-LWP-Protocol-https\n' ' - perl-libwww-perl\n' ' filter:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' - perl-Digest-SHA1\n' ' - perl-HTTP-Daemon\n' ' - perl-Test-Fatal\n' ' - perl-Test-Pod\n' ' - perl-Test-RequiresInternet\n' ' buildopts:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' macros: |\n' ' ' '%_without_perl_HTML_Tagset_enables_optional_test ' '1\n' ' ' '%_without_perl_Test_Fatal_enables_extra_test ' '1\n' ' ' '%_without_perl_Test_Fatal_enables_optional_test ' '1\n' ' components:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' perl-Data-Dump:\n' ' rationale: A run-time ' 'depenedency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-Data-Dump\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-Data-Dump\n' ' ref: ' 'bf0c7f8f51acb32fdc524b76c6078b508ad7bfd5\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-Digest-HMAC:\n' ' rationale: A run-time ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-Digest-HMAC\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-Digest-HMAC\n' ' ref: ' '6b32005eaefb64147630053997f972975361886b\n' ' buildorder: 1\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-Digest-SHA1:\n' ' rationale: A build ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-Digest-SHA1\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-Digest-SHA1\n' ' ref: ' 'b68cd6d810e8a866576c7b0196bb885ec59b5a7a\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-Encode-Locale:\n' ' rationale: A run-time ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-Encode-Locale\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-Encode-Locale\n' ' ref: ' 'c056c7407b77caa6d57babafc5c343389c11fa16\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-File-Listing:\n' ' rationale: A run-time ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-File-Listing\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-File-Listing\n' ' ref: ' '3a5e488564063017ba14e9cb6dfe6400dfc044b6\n' ' buildorder: 1\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-HTML-Parser:\n' ' rationale: A run-time ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-HTML-Parser\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-HTML-Parser\n' ' ref: ' 'e3610b98a6b30b96019f53e1f4e6d8671acb48bd\n' ' buildorder: 2\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-HTML-Tagset:\n' ' rationale: A run-time ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-HTML-Tagset\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-HTML-Tagset\n' ' ref: ' '071a5b31ca388524b34853321a0a731e30f341b4\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-HTTP-Cookies:\n' ' rationale: A run-time ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-HTTP-Cookies\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-HTTP-Cookies\n' ' ref: ' '97ef576ec4a2a27265be429d248a573bfca43156\n' ' buildorder: 2\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-HTTP-Daemon:\n' ' rationale: A build ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-HTTP-Daemon\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-HTTP-Daemon\n' ' ref: ' '570096e5fc15e65be75bba7681557cdc44a7c076\n' ' buildorder: 2\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-HTTP-Date:\n' ' rationale: A run-time ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-HTTP-Date\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-HTTP-Date\n' ' ref: ' '5595663b854725a53e4374917bb2078074391552\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-HTTP-Message:\n' ' rationale: A run-time ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-HTTP-Message\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-HTTP-Message\n' ' ref: ' 'b6597f6400861cf9440713b2d8bf3c3f2825fae6\n' ' buildorder: 1\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-HTTP-Negotiate:\n' ' rationale: A run-time ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-HTTP-Negotiate\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-HTTP-Negotiate\n' ' ref: ' '7ea05dd3b1d2db9aa72f1dd811ac1028c6ccc2a2\n' ' buildorder: 2\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-IO-HTML:\n' ' rationale: A run-time ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-IO-HTML\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-IO-HTML\n' ' ref: ' 'dc6e6c5eb4259fc63ac9b61099016f9f9176ea70\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-LWP-MediaTypes:\n' ' rationale: A run-time ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-LWP-MediaTypes\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-LWP-MediaTypes\n' ' ref: ' '54d031b1b5e5bc043eb1489d04203ba5e9269923\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-LWP-Protocol-https:\n' ' rationale: The API.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-LWP-Protocol-https\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-LWP-Protocol-https\n' ' ref: ' 'ebdd3e6b99c15806d8549892b5d122625b238b4e\n' ' buildorder: 4\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-Mozilla-CA:\n' ' rationale: A run-time ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-Mozilla-CA\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-Mozilla-CA\n' ' ref: ' '4f4d12cbd8b77e32745f7810844cfec76fe84e16\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-NTLM:\n' ' rationale: A run-time ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-NTLM\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-NTLM\n' ' ref: ' '968d3fb6c5f834f3e597bb813d9f96fa04732481\n' ' buildorder: 2\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-Net-HTTP:\n' ' rationale: A run-time ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-Net-HTTP\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-Net-HTTP\n' ' ref: ' '97df1bed807b14ac4727fca1d2854a6eb25a64ec\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-Test-Fatal:\n' ' rationale: A build ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-Test-Fatal\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-Test-Fatal\n' ' ref: ' '65fe759bc84f6615e08ecb75ca2d8fb6ca4062f3\n' ' buildorder: 1\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-Test-Pod:\n' ' rationale: A build ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-Test-Pod\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-Test-Pod\n' ' ref: ' 'f90cd604ab18485a1e20ce3a0052435c1f10845c\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-Test-RequiresInternet:\n' ' rationale: A build ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-Test-RequiresInternet\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-Test-RequiresInternet\n' ' ref: ' '90a82978358f494a079f413bc7b3a46827b653b5\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-TimeDate:\n' ' rationale: A run-time ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-TimeDate\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-TimeDate\n' ' ref: ' 'e1a334942c04d081858749781b1cbccf82ff41c5\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-Try-Tiny:\n' ' rationale: A run-time ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-Try-Tiny\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-Try-Tiny\n' ' ref: ' '337d768ff2b8018fba0a272869565b1f1d3dfd61\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-WWW-RobotRules:\n' ' rationale: A run-time ' 'dependency.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-WWW-RobotRules\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-WWW-RobotRules\n' ' ref: ' '493d595460e45dd6ccc30145db93790de1c09607\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' perl-libwww-perl:\n' ' rationale: The API.\n' ' repository: ' 'git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/perl-libwww-perl\n' ' cache: ' 'https://git.centos.org/repo/pkgs/perl-libwww-perl\n' ' ref: ' 'cf93b41ee1e5aa583b67264a92fceecd3f255633\n' ' buildorder: 3\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' '...\n', 'name': 'perl-libwww-perl-devel', 'stream': '6.34', 'version': '8030020200716155257'}}}
Module Archives
modulemd.aarch64.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.i686.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.ppc64le.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.src.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.x86_64.txt (info) (download)